Chapel Hart joins The Ty Bentli Show on Apple Music Country for an interview to discuss their upcoming album ‘The Girls Are Back In Town,’ writing a sequel to a classic Dolly Parton song, and working with Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top on ‘Jesus & Alcohol.’ The full interview with Chapel Hart is available on Apple Music.

Chapel Hart on their song “You Can Have Him Jolene”
Danica: One thing that we love… We super, super love about “You Can Have Him Jolene” is the energy that was there in the writing room I believe transferred to the song. Because a lot of times you can write something and kind of by the time that it gets played and produced and heard, it kind of loses that oomph that you had in the room and it loses that excitement a little bit just through all the translations that it had to go through. But when we heard it, we were like, “Oh my gosh.” Like, it sounds as fun as it was making it.
Devynn: Writing it was a blast. It was just a super fun song to write. And like Danica said, you can pick up from that. You can pick up the energy in the song, on the track and as well in the music video. Strangely enough, “You Can Have Him Jolene”, just like “Jesus & Alcohol”, I don’t know how or why but the entire treatment, everything changed less than 24 hours before we began shooting. The director, David Abbott, came to Pass Christian, Mississippi, where we shot it and he just fell in love with the town. He was like, “It’s so quaint and beautiful.” The whole city is like a movie set. And the police department was already our friends and everywhere else. And he was like, “We’ve got to go to the police station, we’ve got to go to the fire station, we’ve got to go…” I was like, “Whoa, dude.”
Danica: We legit went to the jail and everything. It was kind of scary, but it was also really fun.
Chapel Hart on their song “Jesus & Alcoho”l and working with Billy Gibbons
Devynn: I feel like it only took about 20 or 30 minutes for us to write the song from start to finish. And then when we finished with… This is either the best thing we’ve ever done, or this is going to be a hot mess.
Danica: So, [our agent] sends [Billy Gibbons] the music first, and then he sends him a picture and he said, “Billy doesn’t answer a phone call of mine.” He said, “Sometimes I text him and I don’t get a text back for six months.” And he said, “He picked up the phone and called me right away and was like, ‘Who is this?'” He said, “It’s a new band called Chapel Hart.” He was like, “What is going on right now?” And he was like, “No.” He said, “You got to be pulling my leg.”
Devynn: I kind of think it was almost a tables turned moment because he said whenever they first started out in Memphis, three white guys on a blues festival and they heard the music and they were not expecting… They were nice. And, they didn’t know those guys at all.
Danica: And they weren’t on the album cover. So, everybody’s expecting these black guys to come and do some blues…”
Devynn: So he heard our music and then saw our faces. He was like, “Oh!”
Danica: So maybe it was a full circle moment.
Devynn: Tables turned all the way.